in Chile
storage leader
in Chile
total capacity
Our Code of Conduct defines the limits within which all Terquim employees must act to comply with internal laws and policies, invites us to put our values and commitments into practice in everything we do. By respecting it, we protect Terquim and each one of us .
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. At its heart, are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries in a global partnership.
In Odfjell Terminals South America (OTSA), we decided to integrate internationally recognized Environmental, Social and Governmental (ESG) principles to our activities, and we chose 7 SDGs that are the most relevant to our business and through which we believe we can have the greatest positive impact.
Our commitment as leaders in the storage and handling of liquid bulk products for third parties is to operate our business processes in an effective and sustainable way, protecting the Environment, continuously improving the quality of our services and ensuring Safety and Occupational Health conditions in our activities.
We work with environmental consciousness. We manage our operations through responsible health and safety management systems certified under international norms ISO and OSHAS.
Click on any of the countries to see more data of the Terminals.
Ribera del Río Paraná de las Palmas
Km 93,4
Campana, Pcia de Buenos Aires
Go to Tagsa
Calle Morse s/n
1ra. Sección, Lado este, Zona Inflamables
Dock Sud, Pcia de Buenos Aires
Go to Tagsa
Molo Sur s/n
Recinto Portuario - Casilla 148
San Antonio, Región de Valparaíso
Go to Terquim
Av. Enrique Meiggs N° 240
Urb. Chacaritas
Callao, Lima
Go to Depósitos Químicos Mineros
Calle Contralmirante I. Mariátegui N° 465
Urb. Barrio Frigorífico
Callao, Lima
Go to Depósitos Químicos Mineros
Rodovia BR 135 (Av. Eng. Emiliano Macieira), s/nº, Lotes 31 e 32 - Módulo G, Bacanga, Itaqui - CEP: 65085-380
São Luís–MA
Go to Granel
Pátio Ferroviário de Itararé, s/nº - Dirceu Arcoverde - CEP:64078-600
Go to Granel
Rod. TO 080, km 21,3 - s/nº, Lote 15 - Zona Rural - CEP:77500-000
Porto Nacional-TO
Go to Granel
Av. Alm. Maximiano da Fonseca, 1000 - Setor 7 (Parte) - Distrito Industrial
CEP: 96204-040
Rio Grande-RS
Go to Granel